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Rules & Filters

Use rules or filters to customize Knip’s output. This has various use cases, a few examples:

  • Temporarily focus on a specific issue type.
  • You don’t want to see type, interface and enum exports reported.
  • Specific issue types should be printed, but not counted against the total error count.


You can --include or --exclude any of the reported issue types to slice & dice the report to your needs. Alternatively, they can be added to the configuration (e.g. "exclude": ["dependencies"]).

Use --include to report only specific issue types. The following example commands do the same:

Terminal window
knip --include files --include dependencies
knip --include files,dependencies

Or the other way around, use --exclude to ignore the types you’re not interested in:

Terminal window
knip --include files --exclude classMembers,enumMembers

Also see the list of issue types.


Use the --dependencies or --exports flag to combine groups of related types:

  • The --dependencies includes (dev) dependencies, unlisted, binaries and unresolved
  • The --exports flag hasexports, nsExports, classMembers, types, nsTypes, enumMembers and duplicates


Use rules in the configuration to customize the issue types that count towards the total error count, or to exclude them altogether.

"error"Similar to the --include filter
"warn"--Printed in faded/gray color
"off"---Similar to the --exclude filter


"rules": {
"files": "warn",
"classMembers": "off",
"duplicates": "off"

Also see the issue types overview.

The rules are modeled after the ESLint rules configuration, and could be extended in the future.

Rules or Filters?

Filters are meant to be used as command-line flags, rules allow for more fine-grained configuration.

  • Rules are more fine-grained since they also have “warn”.
  • Rules could be extended in the future.
  • Filters can be set in configuration and from CLI (rules only in configuration).
  • Filters have shorthands (rules don’t have this).

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