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This page describes a few topics around Knip’s performance, and how you might improve it.

Knip does not want to tell you how to structure files or how to write your code, but it might still be good to understand inefficient patterns for Knip.

Star Imports and Barrel Files

Knip builds up a simplified graph of imports and exports and can quickly match them against each other to find unused exports. However, there might not be a literal match for exports that are imported using the import * syntax. In this case, Knip will ask the TypeScript compiler to find references, which is a lot more work. More levels of re-exports and star imports are more expensive.

Barrel files with re-exports look like this:

export * from './model';
export * from './util';

Example of a star import:

import * as MyNamespace from './helpers';

Use the --performance flag to see how often findReferences is used and how much time is spent there.

This article explains the issue in more detail: Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - The barrel file debacle. The conclusion: “Get rid of all barrel files”.

Workspace Sharing

Knip shares files from separate workspaces if the configuration in tsconfig.json allows this. This reduces memory consumption and run duration. The relevant compiler options are baseUrl and paths, and a workspace is shared if the following is true:

  • The compilerOptions.baseUrl is not set explicitly
  • There are no conflicting keys in compilerOptions.paths

With the --debug flag you can see how many programs Knip uses. Look for messages like this:

Terminal window
[*] Installed 2 programs for 29 workspaces
[*] Analyzing used resolved files [P1/1] (123)
[*] Analyzing used resolved files [P1/2] (8)
[*] Analyzing used resolved files [P2/1] (41)

The first number in P1/1 is the number of the program, the second number indicates additional entry files were found in the previous round so it does another round of analysis on those files.


The findReferences function (from the TypeScript Language Service) is invoked for exports that are imported using the import * syntax, and for each class and enum member. Use the --performance flag to see how many times this function is invoked and how much time is spent there:

Terminal window
knip --performance

The first invocation (per program) is especially expensive, as TypeScript sets up symbols and caching.

If you have lots of classes or enums with many members in your codebase, Knip can run faster by excluding (one of) them from the report:

Terminal window
knip --performance --exclude classMembers,enumMembers

When the codebase contains namespaced imports, the following command will give incomplete results and is not recommended. But for the sake of completeness in this topic, calls to findReferences can be (mostly) prevented:

Terminal window
knip --performance --exclude classMembers,enumMembers,nsTypes,nsExports

This should approach the performance without namespaced imports (see star imports and barrel files).


Knip looks up .gitignore files and uses them to filter out matching entry and project files. This increases correctness, but it slows down finding files using glob patterns and in some cases significantly. Your project may have multiple .gitignore files across all folders.

You might want see if it’s possible to disable that with --no-gitignore and enjoy a performance boost.

To help determine whether this trade-off might be worth it for you, first check the difference in unused files:

Terminal window
diff <(knip --no-gitignore --include files) <(knip --include files)

And to measure the difference of this flag in seconds:

Terminal window
SECONDS=0; knip > /dev/null; t1=$SECONDS; SECONDS=0; knip --no-gitignore > /dev/null; t2=$SECONDS; echo "Difference: $((t1 - t2)) seconds"

If there is no difference in unused files, and runs are significantly faster, you could consider using the --no-gitignore flag.

Analysis on a sample large project went down from 33 to 9 seconds (that’s >70% faster).

A Last Resort

In case Knip is unbearable slow (or even crashes), you could resort to lint individual workspaces.

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