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Handling Issues

A long list of unused items can be frustrating. The list may contain false positives, but also things that can actually be removed from the codebase. You can get a lot of value out of Knip, but sometimes it requires some initial configuration.

This pages guides you in dealing with false positives. It makes sense to go over the issue types one by one. For instance, reducing the number of unused files will also reduce the number of unused dependencies. It’s recommended to work this list from top to bottom.

If you haven’t already, it will probably help if you’ve made yourself familiar with configuration, entry files and, if applicable, monorepos & workspaces and compilers.

Unused files

Files are reported as unused if they are in the set of project files, but not in the set of files resolved from the entry files:

project files - (entry files + resolved files) = unused files

You may want to read the entry files explainer first to learn how and where Knip looks for entry files.

In this section we’ll look into common patterns that cause unused files and how to handle them.

Mocks and other implicit imports

Some files are imported by other tooling, such as fixtures, mocks or templates. You may want to ignore them, with patterns like this:

"ignore": ["**/__mocks__/**", "**/__fixtures__/**"]

If they should be included instead, add them to the entry file patterns.


Existing Plugins

Files may be reported as unused if existing plugins do not include that entry file pattern yet.

See the plugins section of entry files for more details. Override plugin configuration to customize default patterns for existing plugins.

Missing Plugins

You might be using a tool or framework that’s not in the list of available plugins. Configuration and entry files (and related dependencies) may be reported as unused because there is no plugin yet that includes those files. For example, if some tool.config.js contains a reference to @tool/package then both the file and the dependency may be reported as an unused.

Create a new plugin for tools or frameworks that are not in the list yet, or open an issue to request it.

Non-standard Files

Files might be imported through files with non-standard extensions like .astro, .mdx, .vue or .svelte. These files are not included by default. See compilers for more details on how to include them.

Integrated Monorepos

Multiple instances of configuration files like .eslintrc and jest.config.json across the repository may be reported as unused when working in a (mono)repo with a single package.json. See integrated monorepos for more details and how to configure plugins to target those configuration files.

Build artifacts and ignored files

Sometimes build artifacts and .gitignore files may have a surprising effects on files reported as unused. Results may be different in separate runs, depending on the presence of build artifacts. Knip tries to do the right thing, but in some cases you may need to add a file to the entry file patterns manually for better or more consistent results.

Unused dependencies

Dependencies imported in unused files are reported as unused dependencies. That’s why it’s strongly recommended to try and remedy unused files first. This solves many cases of reported unused dependencies.


If a plugin exists and the dependency is referenced in the configuration file, but its custom dependency finder does not detect it, then that’s a false positive. Please open a pull request or issue to fix it.

Adding the configuration file as an entry file pattern may be a temporary stopgap that fixes your situation, but it’s better to create a new plugin or fix an existing one.

Non-standard Files

Dependencies might be imported from files with non-standard extensions like .astro, .mdx, .vue or .svelte. These files are not included by default. See compilers for more details on how to include them.

Unreachable Code

If the reference to a dependency is unrecognizable or unreachable to Knip, and you don’t feel like a plugin could solve it, a last resort is to ignore it:

"ignoreDependencies": ["ignore-me", "@problematic/package"]

Depending on the situation, you may want to use ignoreBinaries instead. See unlisted binaries.

ESLint & Jest

Within monorepos, tools like ESLint and Jest are a story of their own. Sharing and extending configurations is convenient, but for a project linter like Knip it can be a challenge to assign dependencies to the right workspace. Jest has comparable characteristics.

ESLint is still in the process of moving to a modern configuration system, which results in the recommendation going forward: migrate to the new ESLint flat config system.

Unfortunately there’s currently no clean way to assign (unused or unlisted) dependencies to another workspace.

There is a workaround, though. For example, workspaces that use the @internal/eslint-config package can force-enable the ESLint plugin (without having eslint listed) and ignore related dependencies (adjust to your situation):

"eslint": true,
"ignoreDependencies": ["^eslint-.*"]

Unlisted dependencies

This means that a dependency is used, but not listed in package.json.

An unlisted dependency is usually a transitive dependency that’s imported directly. The dependency is installed (since it’s a dependency of another dependency) and lives in node_modules, but it’s not listed explicitly in package.json.

You should not rely on transitive dependencies for various reasons, including control, security and stability. The solution is to install and list the dependency in dependencies or devDependencies.

Unlisted binaries

Binaries are executable Node.js scripts. Many npm packages, when installed, add an executable file to use from scripts in package.json. Examples include TypeScript with the tsc binary, Next.js with the next binary, and so on.

Knip detects such binaries in scripts and checks whether there’s package installed that includes the binary. It looks up the bin field in the package.json file of installed packages. If it doesn’t find it, it will be reported as an unlisted binary as there is no package listed that contains it. Except for those listed as IGNORED_GLOBAL_BINARIES in constants.ts.

Missing Binaries

In case unused (dev) dependencies look like a match against unlisted binaries, then this might be caused by node_modules not containing the packages. And this might have been caused by either the way your package manager installs dependencies, or by not running Knip from the root of the repository.

Knip should run from the root. But you can lint individual workspaces.


Sometimes their usage or the way Knip reports them can be a bit confusing. See this example:

"name": "lib",
"scripts": {
"commitlint": "commitlint --edit"
"devDependencies": {
"@commitlint/cli": "*"

This example works fine without anything reported, as the @commitlint/cli package includes the commitlint binary. However, some script may contain npx commitlint and here Knip assumes commitlint is the name of the package. This technically works as commitlint is a transitive dependency, but to avoid confusing Knip it’s recommended to use npx @commitlint/cli.


For npx scripts, Knip assumes that --yes (as in npx --yes package) means that the package is not listed. Knip expects the dependency to be listed with --no or no flag at all.

The recommendation here is to be explicit: use --yes if the dependency is not supposed to be listed in package.json. Or use --no if the dependency is listed.

Unused exports

Knip does not report unused exports of entry files. These exports are considered part of the public API surface of a package, and are often not used internally by your own code (except tests).

Do you expect certain exports in the report, but are they missing? They might be exported from an entry file. Move exports like this to non-entry files, or use —include-entry-exports to make Knip also report unused exports in entry files. This option is most useful in monorepos and can also be set per workspace separately.

If you think the report of an unused export is invalid, please consider this:

  1. Is this a false positive and potentially a bug in Knip?
  2. Should the export really be part of the public API surface?

With all that said, there are a few options to handle unused exports:

  • Ignore exports used in file for exports used internally.
  • Individual exports can be tagged as @public.
  • Make sure the export ends up in an entry file:
    • Add the file to the entry file patterns array in the configuration
    • Move the export(s) to an entry file
    • Re-export the unused export(s) from an entry file
    • Add the file to the exports field of package.json

Class and Enum Members

Classes and enums exported from entry files are ignored, and so are their members.

Individual class and enum members can be tagged as @public. Reporting such members can also be disabled altogether, for example:

Terminal window
knip --exclude classMembers --exclude enumMembers

This can boost performance if there are many in the codebase (though the members won’t be reported).

Use —include-entry-exports to make Knip also report members of unused exports in entry files.

False Positives

If you believe Knip incorrectly reports something as unused (i.e. a false positive), you can help your own project and help improve Knip by creating a minimal reproduction and open an issue on GitHub.

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